It’s time for us to start packing school bags for the 2024-25 school year! It is thanks to supporters like you that our students will be able to go back to school with everything they need.

Like in previous years, students registered at the pantry will receive a backpack filled with grade appropriate supplies, socks and underwear, a Spirit Wear shirt, shoes, and personal care items (toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, etc.). The distribution will be during the first two weeks of August.
Are you willing to help us?
We are expecting at least 160 students to receive supplies this year. We are still seeing many new clients, so the number might be higher. Last year we planned for 120 and distributed 150 bags and supplies!
We are looking for our generous donors to help us by donating backpacks with supplies (with a list of supplies provided), individual school supplies or personal care items.
We will need donations by July 20th. They may be dropped off at the LIFE Food Pantry at 541 Loveland Madeira Rd. Tuesday through Saturday 9:30 – noon; Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 3:30 – 6:30, or by appointment. Please contact [email protected] or Carolina Maurer at (513)319-4881 for more information. Thank you for donating to the LIFE Food Pantry—we truly could not do this without your support!